Dr. Murdoch MacKay
188(4-5?) – 1962 – Inducted in 2013
Category of Business/Professional
Dr. Murdoch MacKay was a well-known physician in Transcona, born in Cape Berton, Nova Scotia in 188(4-5?). He graduated from Manitoba Medical School in 1916 and married Ruby M. Gowland the following year. In 1916(1917 by attestation papers) Dr. MacKay enlisted in the Canadian Medical Army Corp and was a Medical Officer overseas. He served in England and France and experienced the loss of so many young lives. After returning from the war, in December 1919, he purchased the medical practice of D. V. S. Winkler in Transcona. During the Depression he allowed the municipality of Springfield-Oakbank to pay him in wood. Dr. Murdoch MacKay later became the leader of the Manitoba Liberal Party. In 1927 he was elected to the Provincial Legislature as a Liberal.
During WWII he had to give medical exams to future soldiers. This was a very difficult task for the doctor, as he knew first hand the horrors of war.
Dr. MacKay’s wife noted, “Sometimes he wouldn’t sleep all night when he knew some of the beautiful babies he had brought into the world were asking him to decide whether or not they could go to war.” The doctor always welcomed home returning soldiers and was often known to celebrate with them by having a drink and toasting to their return from a hidden bottle in his office.
Dr. MacKay was an active member of Memorial United Church, the Transcona Legion, the Knights Pythias, Transcona Lodge 123, the Shriners, and the Transcona Curling Club. He was also president of the Transcona Board of Trade. He continued his medical practice until illness forced his retirement in December 1953.
He is the namesake of Murdoch MacKay Collegiate Institute.