The goal of the Transcona Business Improvement Zone (BIZ) Storefront Improvement Program (SIP) is to provide an incentive to existing businesses and property owners in the Transcona BIZ Zone to improve the external appearance of their storefront within a set of design guidelines. This will enhance the commercial viability of the Transcona BIZ Zone.
About the Program
The BIZ will provide up to $5,000.00 to eligible BIZ members to help cover the cost to renovate the frontage exterior of their businesses in the form of a matching grant.
The BIZ shall support improvements that focus on, but are not limited to, the following:
- Enhancements that are consistent with the character of the building and ‘Hometown/Old English’ Transcona theme.
- Contribute to the economic development and promotion of the businesses and the Transcona community.
- Improve customer comfort and safety.
Eligible frontage enhancements can include exterior painting, exterior wall finish, signage and graphics, awnings and canopies, exterior lighting, entryways, windows and doors, accessibility improvements, new cornices, gutters and downspouts, patios as part of exterior frontage, and landscaping and fencing as part of frontage exterior work.
Program Guidelines and Criteria
The SIP funding will be available to all BIZ members or business property owners within the Transcona BIZ zone in good standing with the City of Winnipeg taxation department.
Funding is limited to work being completed on the frontage exterior of the building or land only. Applications which include work other than frontage exterior will not be considered. All work must be done by a licensed, bonded contractor approved by the City of Winnipeg.
The BIZ is dedicated to continuing to improve the Downtown Transcona area, as indicated in the Downtown Transcona Planned Development Overlay1 (PDO-1). With that focus, the BIZ will allot 50% of funding to that specific area and 50% of funding to businesses outside of the PDO-1 boundaries each year.
The Transcona BIZ Board of Directors allots $10,000.00 annually for the Storefront Improvement Program.
Applying for funding
Deadline for applications will be May 31st annually.
The City of Winnipeg should be contacted regarding building codes and permit requirements prior to the submission of any application to the Transcona BIZ. Permits should be applied for following the approval of the SIP funding.
The Transcona BIZ reserves the right to request more information from the applicants and/or make suggestions for design changes rather than an outright denial of the application.
Once the application has been received, the Executive Director will review and make recommendations to the Transcona BIZ Board of Directors. All applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors.
Applications will be evaluated on the impact the proposed changes will have on the overall appeal of the streetscape, in accordance with the design criteria. Designs having the greatest impact will receive higher priority.
The Transcona BIZ Board will have full and final authority on all applicants for funding. The BIZ Board’s decisions are final and may not be appealed.
The applicant will be responsible for paying the contractor(s) in full and will be reimbursed by the Transcona BIZ, 50% of the cost up to $5,000.00, once the project is completed and submission of all invoices or paid receipts pertaining to eligible improvements have been submitted. Please note sweat equity will not be eligible for reimbursement.
All approved projects must be completed by December 31st of the fiscal year. Special circumstances for extension may be considered but must be approved at the time of the application.
To apply for a Storefront Improvement Grant, please fill out the Storefront Improvement Program Application Form and return it to the Transcona BIZ Office at 108 Bond St. Winnipeg.