Joseph Bere Blostein
1888 – 1981 – Inducted in 2013
Category of Business/Professional
Throughout virtually the whole of Transcona’s history, Joe Blostein’s name was synonymous with quality craftsmanship, superior service and unparalleled selection. Joe Blostein owned and operated Blostein’s Department store which later became Jo Blostein & Son Department store. Joe was a Master tailor after a six-year apprentice at a naval base in Russia. He came to Transcona in 1914 from Konstradt, Leningrad.
He was the first to offer hand-made to measure clothing in Transcona. During the Depression Era, the 1930s it’s said he gave new shoes to children whose fathers had been laid-off from work. For many years he also conducted a ‘Suit Club’ intended for men employed at the local CN Shops. A small amount was paid toward the ‘Suit Club’ each pay period and, ultimately, the individual would be eligible for a new hand-made suit. A common Transcona slogan was “If you can’t find it anywhere, go to Blostein’s” and “If Blostein’s doesn’t have it, quit looking.”
As a Transcona resident and businessman, Joe Blostein witnessed the contributions of Transcona’s sons and daughters during the First and Second World Wars, as well as the Korean conflict. His Remembrance Week window displays were well known and won many awards and accolades including the Riedle Trophy.
He is the namesake of Blostein Bay.