
Bench with people
Presented by Storefront Manitoba and the Winnipeg Trails Association, the “Benchmark” trails-based placemaking and design competition launched in December 2017 and offers Winnipeggers a place to rest and enjoy our
growing trail network.

The 2018 winning entry is titled GRIDLOCK, a concept that references the ‘weaving’ relationship
between the bicycle and the car.

“Tension between car and bicycle arise as each commuter tries to coexist throughout the streets of Winnipeg. The driver, stuck in the traffic logged, orthogonal grid of streets and avenues watches while the cyclist is free to weave through and beyond to the ever-growing network of bike lanes and trails. Gridlock is a representation of how these conflicting entities, which battle for the same space, can overlap and intertwine to create a harmonious existence.” – Thomas Nuytten, Designer of Gridlock 2018 Winning Benchmark Design

“Transcona is excited to be the host community for the Benchmark project this year. Being selected for this unique initiative acknowledges the hard work of the community over the past years, in developing a robust trail network; and recognizes the positive impact the BIZ’s recent public art initiatives have made towards transforming the BIZ Zone into an open air public art gallery. The addition of the benches along our Pandora Pathway will further activate community, add more value to our trails, and become a beacon for our member businesses.”
– Alex Morrison, Executive Director, Transcona BIZ 2018