New Year-round Rooftop Lighting Program

News-Program Updates-What's New

Downtown Transcona looks pretty amazing during the winter holiday season. It’s always such a shame in February when we take all the lights down. So the BIZ has developed a new initiative to make our downtown look beautiful at night, all year round!

If your business is located in downtown Transcona, the BIZ will be providing businesses and building owners with year-round rooftop decorative lighting on all buildings between Bond and Day (Phase 1).  There is no additional cost to you*, and the BIZ will install and maintain the lights.  Phase 2 will see the lighting extended east and west.

Many other communities in North America are beautifying their downtowns day and night in this way and when all the buildings participate the results are stunning!

Call the BIZ office for your site assessment and to book your installation.  204-222-8566.  Deadline for applications is July 30th 2017.
* you only have to pay for the power, which will be minimal as these are LED lights.


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