Member News-News

Casera Credit Union is introducing the Casera Community Awards to celebrate the community-building accomplishments of individuals and nonprofit groups in Transcona and South St. Vital, The annual awards, to be handed out at a special ceremony in October, will recognize volunteers who show exceptional community leadership and organizations that work tirelessly to enrich the city’s neighbourhoods.

Two Awards, One Purpose

The Community Leadership Award honours those individuals who over time have contributed to the social fabric of their community through visionary leadership or tireless volunteer work.

The Community Enrichment Award celebrates nonprofit groups that over time have made significant contributions to the well-being of the neighbourhoods in which they work.

According to Brent Thomas, Casera’s CEO, the credit union has worked closely with many different people and diverse groups and has come to understand the commitment it takes to be caring citizens.

“The social, recreational and cultural fabric of our city is often taken for granted and that it’s important to highlight the work of those who devote countless hours to ensuring that our neighbourhoods are liveable,” he says. “We want these leadership and enrichment awards to be a public thank you to all those who selflessly share their time and their ideas.”

Seeking Nominations

Casera is asking people in Transcona and South St. Vital to help identify deserving individuals and nonprofit groups. If you know a volunteer or organization that you believe should be recognized and honoured, please consider filling out a nomination form. Nomination forms are available at any Casera branch or can be downloaded at  Casera Community Awards. Deadline for nominations is August 15, 2016.

Download it here too!



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